
Skyware Inventory Reviews | Steps to inventory management through Skyware inventory


Welcome to this overview of Skyware inventory software. Skyware Inventory is a small business inventory management software, a transaction-based system this means the way to add items, remove items, transfer items, and adjust the inventory is through receipts, ticket transfers, and adjustments.

Once logged in Skyware inventory defaults to the dashboard and provides a quick view of inventory information. In addition to videos, pop-up help is available on every screen, the items tab allows you to create new items, edit existing articles, and access the transaction history for each item.

Under the transactions tab, you can review the transaction history and access details for each transaction. Use add documents to upload the related files such as electronic copies of invoices and receipts. All uploaded documents can also be accessed in the file cabinet.

The new transaction buttons are available on all screens. Select a transaction button to create a new receipt ticket adjustment or transfer. Manage users set up categories add custom fields and locations track taxes and more under the accounts tab. Finally, use my profile tab to edit login credentials and contact information.

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Steps to inventory management through Skyware inventory

1. Before placing your monthly order, audit your location’s current inventory levels to see what you have on hand and what you’ll need to order.

2. Log in to the Skyware inventory program using the unique username and password that was assigned to your location

3. Balance your inventory in the Skyware program and select new adjustment. This will bring up an adjustment record where you’ll be able to remove your used inventory. Type your location into the reference field, and type your name into the associate named field. If you have any notes that you’d like to include such as a specific item being removed due to damage, add the information into the blank notes field in the upper left-hand corner. Next, save your order to start balancing your levels.

4. Select add detail to begin adjusting your items. From the drop-down choose your first item your location and the quantity that you need to remove. Remember if you’re removing an item this number is going to be negative. Save each line item as you go, if you need to make an edit hover over the area and select the pencil. Now as long as you’ve saved all line items, your inventory will be automatically adjusted.

skyware inventory

5. Order your supplies since you’ve already completed an inventory audit you should know what your location will need to order for the upcoming month. In the sky where the program to order inventory select a new ticket. The process to fill out a ticket is very similar to performing an inventory adjustment.

6. Simply type in your location in the reference field the month you’re ordering supplies for in the supply order month field, and your name in the ordered by field. If you have any special instructions or comments for QA type them into the notes section and then save your supply ticket to start adding items to your order.

7. To add a line item click on add detail and select the item you need to order the location you’re ordering from and the quantity that you need to receive. This is very important you will always be ordering from the inventory supply location as this is what’s currently in stock and QA. Think of it this way ordering supplies from your own inventory wouldn’t be very helpful

8. Receive your order your supply ticket should be submitted by the 15th of each month at that time QA will print your pending ticket from the system pull your order and send it out with the courier. you can expect to receive your order within a few business days. QA will also transfer your ticketed items into your locations inventory within the sky where program so all that’s left for you to do when the supplies are received is to verify that everything’s there. Simple enough right and that’s inventory management through Skyware inventory.


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