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Overnight Apple loses $300 billion


 2020 will not be a good year for many multinational companies. Even Apple, a leading company in the global technology industry, is the same. Due to many factors, Apple is also facing serious realistic pressure this year. Its annual flagship mobile phone iPhone 12 is postponed. And the sale, even if it is finally released, Apple will also usher in three major sad messages, losing 300 billion overnight. The first sad news comes from the U.S. government. Recently, the U.S. released a report in which it mentioned that Apple currently monopolizes the mobile app market and uses its monopoly position to obtain a lot of benefits from software developers.

This situation has been going on for several years, and it has been an open secret in the industry. The outside world has been turning a blind eye to this. I don’t know why the United States has suddenly made allegations. Today’s report says that Apple levies 30% of the service fee from software developers. That is to say, for the hard work of software developers, Apple will take 30% of the commission regardless of the three or seventy-one.

This puts a lot of Software developers under great pressure, and this behavior has been going on for ten years since 2010. However, due to Apple’s special position in the software market, even if software developers are dissatisfied, they can only accept it. The second sad news comes from Apple. It is understood that Apple’s T2 security chip has relatively large loopholes. The T2 chip is mainly installed on Apple laptops. It first appeared in 2018 and was installed on the Macbook Pro released that year.

The T2 security chip is mainly responsible for protecting computer data, and it can also act as a co-processor. However, now there is news that this chip has security vulnerabilities and cannot be fixed with software. This means that the majority of Apple computer user’s Data security cannot be guaranteed.

The last sad news is that Apple’s market value has now evaporated by 300 billion US dollars. Since Apple’s products have taken the world by storm, Apple’s market value has risen year after year, becoming the world’s largest company by market value. According to data, Apple’s market value is in 2019. Up to more than 900 billion US dollars, but now that the market value has evaporated by 300 billion US dollars, it may mean that Apple is starting to go downhill. There are two main reasons why Apple’s market value has evaporated.

The first is that the U.S. stock market itself is currently in a downturn, especially after the fourth round of the U.S. fiscal plan was rejected. U.S. stocks plummeted and Apple was also implicated. The second reason was It was because, after the release of the iPhone 12, the majority of consumers and the market were not satisfied. The stock price of Apple fell on the second day after the release of the new mobile phone. Now that antitrust allegations, security risks, and evaporating market value have caused Apple to show signs of decline, how should Apple respond? Need further observation.

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